Monday, August 15, 2011

Third Trimester Begins

I suppose it's the countdown now. It's scary and exciting all at once. We had a really great weekend. Danny and my Dad worked very hard on the new room addition. Next step is the sheet rock and then we're ready to paint. Once the room is done, we'll focus on the nursery. The nursery had to take a back seat for a little while but I'm very anxious to get started on it. We also went out and bought a king size bed. We're pretty excited about that. Between me and my expanding belly, my body pillow (named Haboob) and our dog, poor Danny doesn't have much room.

I'm feeling pretty good still. Some nights I sleep well, other nights I sleep terribly. My fingers are swollen, making it hard to wear my rings. I'm evidently in a cooking and baking stage and I'm still obsessing over Cheetos.

We have 26 week belly photos, I'll post them soon!

1 comment:

  1. Third trimester! WOOHOO!

    I completely understand the rings too - had to stop wearing mine weeks ago. :-(
