I think the heat is getting to me. It's so hot out and in addition it's humid. I was convinced, thoroughly, that my air conditioning in my vehicle was not working. I would drive from work to my house, and it never cooled down. It would blow hot air out at me with no relief. I was so convinced that I had my husband bring it in to the shop to get the air checked. What was wrong with it? Nothing. Everything was working just fine, he said, "it's probably the humidity". No, it's probably the pregnant, miserably hot driver! Ugh!
On a happier note, today She-ra's Grandpa Don and Daddy are starting the construction of her playroom/office. They get to play Bob the Builder for the next couple of weeks and I'm so excited to have the extra room. I'll keep you posted on their status.
Craving update: Cheetos, I can't stop. I eat them until my hands are orange. I don't know what is wrong with me, but I must be stopped!
I went through a little Cheetos phase myself! Hang in there with this DrEaDfUL heat. There is no sugar-coating it; it's horrible!