Friday, October 28, 2011


I went to the doctor yesterday and everything looks good. She did my first cervical check and...what the hell was that? My gosh did that hurt. I mean I knew it wasn't going to feel good, but jeez. She said that my cervix is thinned out a bit but not dilated much. So, now is the time to start moving this process along!

Today was my last day at work. It is definitely bitter-sweet. I will miss so many of my coworkers but I am SOOOOO ready to be done. Sitting at a desk for eight hours a day just isn't cutting it anymore.

I'm feeling very tired and I think my appetite has increased. I'm craving Z Tejas' chips and queso dip. OMG, I am so getting that this weekend (Hubby already said we could). I'm HOT, I mean my body has got to be at least 5 degrees hotter. It has finally cooled down here, and you would think that would help. It hasn't.

I keep looking down at my belly and after I get over how large it is, I try to see if she has dropped at all. Sometimes I think she has, but then other times I still feel her in my throat. So, she probably hasn't. I've heard that you can feel a difference when they drop, you can breathe easier and you have more room in your stomach. I can't wait for that!

Monday, October 24, 2011

36 Weeks and a Fun New Symptom

Yesterday I started to get an aching pain in my jaw. It continued through the night (making it even harder for me to sleep) and I am still feeling it today. It is very uncomfortable and painful. I'm thinking I should see a dentist. I did a little searching online but didn't find anything coming from a reputable source. Most people think it has to do with the "relaxin" that your body puts out at this stage in pregnancy to relax the joints. Part of me also thinks it might be related to my sinuses, but I really don't know. I just want it to go away :-(

This week is busy. It's my last week of work and it's going to be a miracle if I make it. I have no idea how women work up until delivery, I seriously don't. Between the complete lack of sleep and the extreme discomfort, I can't imagine working that long. We are taking an infant CPR course Tuesday night and Thursday is the start of our weekly doctors appointments.

I don't think She-ra has dropped much at all yet, she's still sitting up super high crushing my lungs, yeah! I'm soooooo ready! Hospital bags are packed, finally. Danny is relieved about that one. So now we wait...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Great Weekend

We had a great weekend. It consisted of a lot of wifey/hubby time, and A LOT of laying around and doing nothing. Which is not lazy! It is intentional because we know that this is a luxury which will soon be taken away. We went to a movie (Moneyball), rented a movie (Horrible Bosses), ate at a restaurant we've been wanting to try (Los Taquitos), cooked a great dinner for my rents and brother and went to a very special baby boys 2nd birthday (Micah). In between all of that, we laid on the couch and caught up on our shows. It was beautiful and I hope we get another weekend like that in before Baby Girl makes her appearance.

Speaking of Baby Girl, tomorrow is the 19th of October. My "due date" is the 19th of November. Insert freaking out emoticon.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Maternity Photo Shoot

Here are some of the maternity photos my amazing friend took ( I am 33 weeks in these pictures.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Baby Breaths

I had my doctors appointment today and everything looks good. While I was sitting there I started to get a little nervous, realizing that I'm not far away from delivering our baby girl. We checked her heart beat, which was 167. She's head down and facing my right side. She was all scrunched up in a ball, it looked pretty tight in there. We could see her chest and stomach rising and falling and the tech said that she is practicing her breathing, getting ready to come out. This really hit me hard. It is such a beautiful miracle, that we're just wired to do those things, instinctively.

I have this thought which is haunting me, that I will deliver and they're going to tell me it's a boy. I would still be over-joyed, of course, but it gives me anxiety because everything we have is for a girl. I asked the tech to check today but because she is so tight in there we couldn't get a look. I don't know why I've been thinking that, I'm sure it's just nerves. I've been having a lot of crazy thoughts these days.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

In Denial

Sometimes I forget how far along I am and I have to come to this blog and look at the ticker on the side. No joke. I will think to myself, there's no way you're coming up on 35 weeks, it's got to be 34. But alas, it is 35 weeks, this weekend. And I seriously can not believe it.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


It's no secret that I love elephants, and baby elephants even more. My friend sent this photo to me and it made me so happy. Again, the little things. So I thought I'd share.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Scary Things I Saw/Heard in Birthing Class

1) The placenta.

2) The epidural cord hanging out of a woman's spine.

3) All the details surrounding the "mucus plug".

4) The ridiculously large pad that is supposed to go in your underwear after giving birth. Pretty sure planes could land on that thing.

5) The placenta.

We didn't...Oh yes we did!