Friday, September 30, 2011

Been a While

Sorry I haven't written in a while, it's not because I don't love you. It's actually because I have been rather miserable lately and I don't want to complain anymore on here. It's nothing serious, just the expected and usual difficulties of being this far along.

The nursery is done! I will post some pictures soon. It's beautiful and certainly fit for our little Princess She-ra. We also had our maternity photo shoot, so as soon as I get those back I'll post them as well.

Doctor appointment yesterday went well, everything looks good and we're right where we should be. Birthing class is tomorrow, I'm sure I'll have plenty to say after that. Everything is coming along and I know she'll be here before I know it.

And for some reason this made me laugh hysterically today. It's the little things!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

31 Weeks

I had an amazing weekend. It was one of those weekends you don't want to end because it was so perfect.

Friday was my birthday and my honey spoiled me, making it a very special day. Saturday we got to hang out all day together and run errands. And Sunday was my baby shower. It was so fun, I couldn't have been happier. All of my friends and family were so amazing and made my day unforgettable. It's one of those things that makes you realize how fortunate you are to have such amazing people in your life.

Danny and I went through all of our baby stuff and separated it into piles (bathroom, feeding, blankets, etc.). It was a tad bit overwhelming but we have a good idea of what we still need. We're almost ready for baby She-ra to come home!!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

No One Ever Said it Would Be Easy

I did not have unrealistic expectations for pregnancy, I knew it was going to be difficult (especially after my intro into it a.k.a. 1st trimester). But you can not imagine, without having experienced it, what "difficult" entails. I have now gone over a week without sleep. My nights have become a source of anxiety for me, which is not helping matters. I can't fall sleep nor can I stay asleep. And as you can imagine, it is catching up to me. I don't feel like myself, I am an exhausted, weepy version. Couple that with the pregnancy hormones and aches and pains, and I'm a walking fun house!

I have a really bad habit of saying "how am I going to do this for "x" more months?". All this does is cause me to panic when I should really be living day to day. So instead of getting through the next two months, I'm going to try to focus on getting through the day. I hope, pray and wish that tonight I get some sleep!

We have our doctors appointment tomorrow, 30 week ultrasound. We'll get some measurements and pictures, I can't wait to see her. Hopefully my doctor can provide me with some tips on how to get some sleep.

Friday, September 9, 2011

So Sweet!

My coworkers wife made this hand quilted sweater for She-ra. It is the cutest thing ever! I love it. Sometimes I'm blown away at the generosity and kindness of other people, especially when those people have never met me before!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Operation "She-ra's Nursery" Has Begun

Finally! Finally, I can say that we have started the nursery. And whats even better, we did A LOT! The walls are painted and the chair rail molding is up. It looks perfect, better than I imagined. We also hung the chandelier and the crib is in place. Now we just have to get the rest of our furniture and do some more detailed decorating and we'll be ready to welcome our lil peanut.

I already feel an overwhelming sense of relief. Once it is done, I will post some pictures.

This weekend we took our hospital tour. It was informative, but I think we already knew most of it. It definitely makes it more real though. We also had a lot of friends and family over for a Labor Day BBQ and Danny had his Diaper Shower. All went very well, and we had a great time. I may have broken my toe, but it's not a good story and I'll be ok.

I'm coming up on 30 weeks this weekend and I really can't believe it. I feel like it wasn't that long ago when I was 12 weeks, and then 20. I'm not ready to be done yet, I'm not ready to have her out of me. I will do my best to savor these last 10 weeks with my baby girl so close to me. Because really, she'll never be as close as she is at this very moment.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sleepless in Scottsdale

Sorry about the title. LOL, humor me, I'm delirious!

I have had an incredibly emotional and frustrating week dealing with my dog and her mystery ailment. We have been treating her for a "slipped disk" sort of issue in her neck. She's on pain killers, muscle relaxers and steroids. She shouldn't be feeling a thing at this point. All tests for liver, pancreatitis and Valley Fever have come back negative. She has resorted to being a puppy and I have become the mean mommy. Whenever I am around she acts up, trembling and whimpering. But when I'm not around, she's perfectly fine. The vet said she is doing it to get attention from me. SO ANNOYING. So now I have to be stern and not baby her (mean mommy).

All of this has caused me a lot of stress. Last night I went to sleep just fine but woke up at 12:30am and could not go back to sleep. I moved to the couch where I laid for hours, not sleeping. Around 4am I finally fell asleep only to wake up two hours later for work. This is not something I want to do again. I find my mind is always on my dog, listening for her whimper.

I am praying that this is just a stage and that she will soon go back to being my sweet puppy. And then I have the baby and we'll get to deal with that!