Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's a GIRL!!!!

I had this feeling that we weren't going to get an ultrasound today. I don't know why, I just kept thinking that I never remembered them saying anything about it. I think Danny and I had made it up in our heads that we were getting one. I prepared myself to be let down, but I was still hoping that we might.

When we got to our appointment, sure enough, we weren't having an ultrasound to look at the baby's anatomy. We were having one to measure my cervix. We mentioned to the tech that we were really hoping to find out the sex today, and she said if she saw anything she'd tell us but she wasn't looking for that today (ugh!).

She took some pictures for us, checked the heart and then moved to the legs and showed us the area between the legs which was flat, vacant, nothing there. She said that we were having a girl! I was so thankful just to have her tell us something, and then to hear it was a girl! So amazing! We now get to talk about our baby girl by name, She-ra!

We did get some bad news though, evidently my placenta is covering my cervix which is not a good thing. So until it moves I'm on "pelvic rest". It's not life threatening to She-ra or to me so I'll take it! Next ultrasound in 3 weeks.


  1. Congrats! Lucky for you to find out early on what you're having. If I remember correctly, we didn't find out with Evan until about 20 weeks.

    She-ra is an excellent name. Keep it. :-)

  2. Congratulations! That is SO exciting. She's going to be such a little lover. PS - I had the same issue (placenta previa) and it adjusted itself just fine. Again, congrats!
