It's really a very helpless feeling, not knowing what is going on inside of you. I try to listen to my body and what it is tellin gme. But when you feel pain where you shouldn't, what do you do?
I was running on the treadmill and when I stopped running and started to walk, I had this pain in my pelvic region. It hurt to even walk. It continued to bother me all day. We started to call around, asking other women if they had any ideas. I was set on the thought that it was due to the growth of my baby and the growth of my uterus.
As the day went on it seemed to get worse. When I was sitting or laying down, I was fin. But when I was up and walking, it would hurt. Finally, by the end of the night, I was in tears. On one hand I kept thinkin it wasn't "severe" pain so I shouldn't call the Dr unless it is severe. On the other hand, what if something is wrong and I don't do anything about it. It was Danny who made the decision for me. We called the on call Dr and waited a grueling 30 minutes for him to call back.
He told me that I most likely pulled a pelvic tendon running. As long as I was feeling ok when resting, there was nothing to worry about, the baby was not in any harm. Rest and tylenol should take care of it.
I woke up this moring feeling better and feeling relieved. I guess there's no such thing as over-reacting when it comes to our baby. My husband taught me that.
You can never be too safe! Glad to hear everything is ok...and take it easy on the running! :-)