Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My First Scare

It's really a very helpless feeling, not knowing what is going on inside of you. I try to listen to my body and what it is tellin gme. But when you feel pain where you shouldn't, what do you do?

I was running on the treadmill and when I stopped running and started to walk, I had this pain in my pelvic region. It hurt to even walk. It continued to bother me all day. We started to call around, asking other women if they had any ideas. I was set on the thought that it was due to the growth of my baby and the growth of my uterus.

As the day went on it seemed to get worse. When I was sitting or laying down, I was fin. But when I was up and walking, it would hurt. Finally, by the end of the night, I was in tears. On one hand I kept thinkin it wasn't "severe" pain so I shouldn't call the Dr unless it is severe. On the other hand, what if something is wrong and I don't do anything about it. It was Danny who made the decision for me. We called the on call Dr and waited a grueling 30 minutes for him to call back.

He told me that I most likely pulled a pelvic tendon running. As long as I was feeling ok when resting, there was nothing to worry about, the baby was not in any harm. Rest and tylenol should take care of it.

I woke up this moring feeling better and feeling relieved. I guess there's no such thing as over-reacting when it comes to our baby. My husband taught me that.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Welcome Back...

It feels damn good to have my wife back and smiling again. As most of you know, she had a terrible first trimester. So thank you, second trimester, for being so awesome. We have been enjoying our simple luxuries that we once enjoyed doing together, for instance, one of them being 'eating' we love to eat, if the act of enjoying good food was a sport, I'm pretty positive we would prevail at it... we think of ourselves as true definitions of bon vivants. We've also been working out together, something else we haven't done because Corine was so miserable. But here we are, eating and working out, life is good. My wife is happy so that makes me very happy! So thanks again for giving me back my wife.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Good Week

This week was my first "good week" in regards to my pregnancy (because in regards to work, not so good). I didn't feel too sick, my other symptoms seem to be at bay and I slept half-way decent. In addition, I was able to work out most of the days of the week. <Insert sigh> Finally, I think I feel normal again.

It is definitely difficult to go through this without having anyone to experience it with me. I keep thinking about what it would be like to have a friend going through the same things. I have my husband and my family, but it would be nice to have someone who knows.

Next milestone is two weeks from Tuesday. We have our ultrasound and we should find out the sex of the baby. I can hardly wait!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

NT Test Results - Negative!

We received the test results for the NT screening, and they came back negative. We are so grateful and relieved to hear this. It is undescribable, knowing that you're baby is healthy. We thank God and hope the rest of our tests go the same way.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Week 12 Ultrasound...Check

Today we got to spend a lot of time looking at our baby. He or she was very stubborn, I wonder where they get that from??????

We had an NT test today which is done by measuring the back of the baby's neck and testing my blood. This test can let you know if your baby has downs syndrome. The baby has to be in a certain position for the tech to get the measurement. Well, my baby didn't want to play. He or she was extremely active, bouncing all around. It took about an hour until she could get the perfect photo to make the measurement. It was nice though, we got a lot of pictures and really got to see our baby. It's so crazy to see the hands and feet, moving around. It's beautiful.

 You can see his or her little hand and all five fingers! So cute!
Here is a really good profile photo, you can see his/her nose and chin. Looks cute to me!

The tech said in her very non-medical opinion that she thinks it's a girl because of how active and stubborn the baby was being. I like that thought!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Little Heartbeat Within

So the doctor ordered tylenol and tylenol PM. Kind of funny I had to go in for that BUT it was worth it because we got to hear the HEARTBEAT. This is the moment you hear about from the time you find out your pregnant. I had no idea we were going to be able to do it today! So she puts the little heartbeat monitor on my belly and there it was. A swishy little (strong) heartbeat. And what did I do upon hearing this amazing proof of life inside me? I giggled, like a little girl. And then we couldn't hear the heartbeat cause all we could hear was my laughing. I guess it was happiness, I couldn't hold it in. It was beautiful and the doctor said it was strong, which is all we care about.

I had to get weighed of course. I do not enjoy this part of the visit at all. It is incredibly hard to handle my increasing weight gain. Ugh! I am starting to feel better, so now maybe I can start working out more. That should help. I'm used to running 15-20 miles a week, so this is definitely a change for me. I don't expect to be able to run that much, but maybe just a little.

So tonight I'm trying the tylenol pm, and I am going to be optimistic that I will get a full nights rest. Though I can see myself staying up all night thinking about that beautiful noise, the heartbeat inside me.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I got to spend the whole weekend with my man! It was great (pregnancy symptoms aside). On Saturday, Danny ran in the Warrior Dash. This was something I decided I wanted to do a few months back, and Danny said he'd do it with me. Once we realized I was expecting, we decided it wasn't a good idea for me to participate, not worth the risk. So, I went along to cheer him on. I'm not one to sit on the sidelines and watch as everyone has fun around me. I'm much more of a participator. So, it wasn't easy for me, but I knew it was best for Baby Chen. Danny did a great job, he ran it with our friend Sarah. They both finished and had a blast. I realized while I was baking in the Arizona sun (sans shade) that being pregnant makes everything you do that much more difficult. After the race I couldn't wait to get home into some A/C and rest my exhausted body.

I am still not sleeping, and I mean not at all. I lay awake for hours throughout the night. This is definitely taking a toll on me and my ability to function during the day. I have a call in to the doctor, hopefully there is something we can do. On a brighter note, my appetite has come around. I seem to be starving a lot lately. This is a good sign, means our little one is growing! The challenge is to try to eat healthy food, and not so much pizza. Ohhhh, but I love pizza...