Sunday, November 13, 2011

39 Weeks

It's official, I am on my way to having this baby. I can't believe I am in my final week. Not too much has happened yet. I've been experiencing some early labor signs, stronger contractions and they're more frequent. I think she has dropped some. It's hard to tell because it wasn't a dramatic thing. I can just tell she's sitting lower. I feel ok during the day but once evening comes around I'm fairly miserable. Tomorrow we have a doctors appointment and we'll discuss our options if she doesn't come by her due date. My goal is to avoid 1) having her on Thanksgiving and 2) being in the hospital on Thanksgiving.

Danny and I got pregnant along with 4 of his best friends and their wives. It was a crazy situation that we all got pregnant around the same time. Well the 4th couple had their beautiful baby boy a couple days ago and all went well. That leaves me. I am the last of the five of us. :-)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween Festivities

Halloween was fun, we went to the Hot Air Balloon Festival on Saturday night. It was actually pretty cool and we got to eat funnel cake. Yummy. On Halloween we ran out of candy and had to go through our private stash. Poor kids. But at least Danny's pumpkin looked awesome! We can't wait until next year when we get to dress up our little girl. We're thinking she's going to be an elephant. So cute!

38 Weeks and Counting

Tomorrow makes me 38 weeks! Can you believe it? I can't. I am ready in all senses of the word. We are ready at home, hospital bag packed, car seat is in place, mini bottles of champagne bought, house is clean and I am ready inside. I am terrified but also beyond excited. I listen all day to my bodies signals, just waiting for the signs of labor. This may be the hardest part yet. Knowing I am so close but not knowing when it will happen.

We went to our doctor appointment on Wednesday and there wasn't any change. We had an ultrasound and they guessed she is about 6.5 lbs (but I'm thinking they're a little off, she's got to be bigger than that). I have been going for walks every day, just trying to jump start things. Hopefully we won't have much longer to wait until we get to meet our Sweet Baby Chen.